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Supporting sport has always been important to the company, so we are pleased that alongside our existing partnerships with beach volleyball stars Tīna Graudiņa and Anastasija Samoilova, and the men’s basketball team, we’ve started a new partnership with the men’s national hockey team. Likewise, the OlyBet Sports Bar is one of the supporters of the Beach Volleyball World Cup Tour Stage, which will take place from 15-18 June in the city of Jurmala. And we will continue to support sport in the future!
On the subject of the hottest sports event right now, the World Hockey Championship, the first two games of the Group B tournament in Riga have already been played, where Latvia has suffered two losses: 0:6 against Canada and 1:2 against Slovakia. Unfortunately, this time our experts’ forecasts, in which our hockey players were not considered favourites before the match, have come true. However, they still have chances to improve their situation. They have five games left in the tournament – against the Czech Republic (15.05), Norway (17.05), Slovenia (19.05), Kazakhstan (20.05) and Switzerland (23.05). Before the tournament, the limit of the total number of points won by the Latvian national team was set as 8.5 (for both possibilities “more” or “less” the coefficient is 1.85). Despite two defeats, Latvia still has real opportunities to reach this limit. Will they succeed?
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Exclusively at OlyBet Sport Bars, you can buy a great hockey fan package for just €1! It includes:
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