Avokado, bekons un olas – garda brokastu recepte

Avocado Bacon and eggs - one of our favorite breakfast recipes. They're topped with cheese and so delicious!


Uzsildi cepeškrāsni;

Sadali avokado uz pusēm un izņem kaulu;

Ar karoti avokado vidu izgreb lielāku, lai tas būtu lielāks par olu. Ievieto avokado kēksu pannā, lai tas saglabātu stabilu stāvokli;

Avocado Bacon and eggs - one of our favorite breakfast recipes. They're topped with cheese and so delicious!

Olu sašķel un tās saturu ielej vienā un otrā avokado pusē. Apkaisi ar sieru un pārber ar sāli. Visam pa virsu pārklāj bekona gabaliņus.

Avocado Bacon and eggs - one of our favorite breakfast recipes. They're topped with cheese and so delicious!

Avocado Bacon and eggs - one of our favorite breakfast recipes. They're topped with cheese and so delicious!

Ievieto cepeškrāsnī un gatavo aptuveni 14-16 minūtes.

Avocado Bacon and eggs - one of our favorite breakfast recipes. They're topped with cheese and so delicious!

Labu apetīti!

Avots: lilluna.com

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